Berlin Community Resources
Berlin Public Schools – Use Of Facilities Request Form
Please complete and return all copies to the building principal. The Superintendent of Schools and/or designee will approve or deny all such requests and provide a copy to the organization and to the principal of the school involved.
Food Pantries & Soup Kitchens
Feeding Hope Food Pantry at Harvest Christian Fellowship Church
219 Willow Street, Berlin, NH 03570
Phone: 603-752-5374
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 am to 12:00 pm noon and 1:00-2:00 pm
Soup Kitchen - Wednesdays at 4:30 pm
Salvation Army
15 Cole Street, Berlin, NH 03570
Phone: 603-752-1644
Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 9:00-12:00 p.m.
Soup Kitchen - Last two Mondays of each month 4:30-5:30 p.m. $1.00 donation
Ecumenical Food Pantry
153 Grafton Street, Berlin, NH 03570
Phone: 603-752-2902
Hours: Tuesday and Friday 2:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Community Bible Church Soup Kitchen
593 Sullivan Street, Berlin, NH 03570
Phone: 603-752-4315
Pastor Jon's email:
Community Dinner - Every Thursday night, doors open at 4 PM, dinner served from 5-6 PM. Call the church for more details.
Barnabas Church Community Dinner
2 High St, Berlin, NH
Phone:(603) 752-3504
Community Dinner once per month from October – April.
Call for more information.
City Welfare Department
Angela Martin-Giroux
Administrator of Welfare & Health Office
Helen Poirier
168 Main Street, Berlin, NH 03570
Monday - Friday
8:30AM - 12:00 Noon
1:00PM - 4:00PM
NH Homeless Shelters
The Homeless Hotline: 1-800-852-3388
Tri-County CAP, Inc.
30 Exchange Street, Berlin, NH 03570
Phone: (603) 752-7001 (800) 552-4617 (603) 752-7607 (fax)
Many community programs can be accessed through TCCAP including: fuel assistance, homeless outreach and prevention, transportation, domestic violence and sexual assault help, alcohol and substance outreach
Other Community Services
Pathways Pregnancy Care Center (offered through Community Bible Church)- They are open on Thursdays and Fridays and can be reached by calling 752-1512.
Catholic Charities - Berlin District Office
151 Emery Street, Berlin, NH 03570-0570
Phone: 603-752-1325
Fax: 603-752-6174
Please Remember
Anyone who suspects that a child is being abused or neglected is required by NH Law to call:
DCYF Central Intake Unit
8:00 AM to 4:30 PM Monday-Friday
800-894-5533 (In-state only)
During non-business hours, the public is asked to call local law enforcement for emergency responses.
Family Strength
123 Main St, Gorham, NH 03581
Phone: 603-466-9015
Fax: 603-466-9016
Family Resource Center
123 Main St, Gorham, NH 03581
Phone: 603-466-5190
CASA - Colebrook/Berlin
O. Box 24
Colebrook, NH 03576
Phone: 603-237-8411
Fax: 603-237-8437
E-mail CASA
Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of New Hampshire recruits, trains and supervises volunteers to serve as advocates for abused and neglected children.