Bus Schedule
Tom Sutton--Transportation Director
Check out the Bus Schedules to see what time your child's bus is scheduled to pick up or drop off at specific Bus Stops. Please keep in mind that these times are approximate and that your child should be at the bus stop at least 5 minutes prior to the scheduled time. Check back often to be sure busses are running on the same schedules.
Any questions or concerns, please call Tom at the Bus Garage 603-752-3719.
Eligibility For Free Busing:
Some families may choose to buy passes only for certain months, ex. Winter.
Free bussing for any student who lives more than .6 miles from school and in grades K-5
Free bussing for any students who lives more than one mile from school and is in grades 6-8
Mileage is determined by the School District routing software.
Purchased Bus Passes
Students who are not eligible for free busing, may purchase a bus pass through individual school offices.
Berlin Elementary School 752-5328 Grades K-5
Berlin Middle High School 752-4122 Grades 6-12